
Save money by refinancing at a lower rate.

Discover the Power of Mortgage Refinance! Save money, lower interest rates, and maximize your financial potential. Refinancing a mortgage can be a powerful tool for homeowners looking to save money and optimize their financial situation. By refinancing, homeowners can take advantage of lower interest rates, reduce their monthly payments, and even tap into their home’s equity to cover other expenses. Pilgrims Mortgage is here to guide homeowners through the refinancing process, helping them achieve their financial goals effortlessly. Unlike big banks and retail lenders, Pilgrims Mortgage is proactive in helping homeowners refinance their mortgages. They understand that every homeowner’s situation is unique and work closely with clients to create personalized refinancing solutions. Whether you’re looking to lower your monthly payments, reduce your interest rate, or switch from an adjustable-rate to a fixed-rate mortgage, Pilgrims Mortgage has the expertise and resources to guide you through the process. Save money by refinancing at a lower rate. Pilgrims Mortgage also offers streamlined refinancing options, which can make the process faster and more efficient. With their expert guidance, homeowners can navigate the refinancing process with confidence, knowing they’re getting the best possible deal. In conclusion, refinancing a mortgage can be a smart financial move for homeowners looking to save money and optimize their financial situation. Pilgrims Mortgage is committed to helping homeowners achieve their goals, offering personalized solutions and expert guidance throughout the refinancing process. Don’t wait for the refi boom – take control of your finances and reach out to Pilgrims Mortgage today to explore your refinancing options. Call us or apply now to learn more. 1.800.380.6937

How long does it take to refinance a mortgage?

Many refinance loans can take 30-45 days to close but there are lots of exceptions if your finances are complex or you’re refinancing at a particularly busy time of year. There are, however, steps you can take to limit your exposure to delays. Much of the documentation that you’ll need to provide for processing can be determined as soon as you know what kind of loan you will be applying for. Collecting and scanning documents like tax returns and income verification is a good start and can save you time during your application process.

What documents are required to refinance?

Your documentation allows underwriters to verify that you’re a good fit for the loan option you’ve selected. Here is a list of some of the most common documents that your loan officer may ask for: Your lender will also need to pull your credit report as a part of the refinance process, so have your Social Security number handy when it’s time to apply.

Will a refinance help get rid of my PMI?

Refinancing a mortgage can potentially help eliminate private mortgage insurance (PMI), but it depends on individual circumstances. PMI is typically required when a homeowner puts down less than 20% on a home purchase. Refinancing to a new loan with a lower loan-to-value ratio may allow for PMI removal. However, it’s crucial to consider refinancing costs and current interest rates to ensure it’s a smart financial decision. Pilgrims Mortgage can assist in evaluating the situation and exploring options to eliminate PMI, ensuring a financially sound choice. Their expertise and personalized approach can guide homeowners through the refinancing process and help achieve their goals. Additionally, Pilgrims Mortgage can help determine if refinancing is the best option or if other alternatives, such as waiting for automatic PMI cancellation or using other mortgage products, are more suitable. With Pilgrims Mortgage’s guidance, homeowners can make informed decisions and potentially eliminate PMI, reducing their mortgage payments and improving their financial situation.

Can You Lower Your Mortgage Interest Rate Without Refinancing?

Can You Lower Your Mortgage Interest Rate Without Refinancing?

What is a Loan Modification? When a lender agrees to modify a loan, they typically do so because you are facing default. Whether you are already behind or are about to become behind, the lender can modify the terms of the original loan to make the mortgage payments more affordable for you. Lenders aren’t under any type of obligation to agree to a loan modification. If they do agree to modify your loan, though, they can change the interest rate, term, or even lower the principal balance in an effort to make your loan more affordable. Lenders are sometimes willing to do this rather than face foreclosure. The last thing that banks want is to take possession of your home. They would rather that you stay in it, but in order for you to do so, you may need more favorable terms, which is where the loan modification helps. How to Get a Loan Modification There are two ways that you can qualify for a loan modification. The first is through the government program ‘Home Affordable Modification Program.’ This program has strict requirements the lender must follow in order to modify your loan. If you meet the parameters, the lender can lower your interest rate to help you avoid foreclosure. Another way is to use a bank’s private program to modify your program. If your bank owns your loan, in other words, you have a portfolio loan, then the bank is free to do whatever they want with your loan. They may have a program in place that allows them to lower your interest rate without going through the refinance process. The one common denominator between the programs is the need to show financial distress. You have to show the lender that you cannot afford your monthly payment as it is now. This could be because you lost your job, fell ill, or had unexpected major expenses. Whatever the case may be, you will need to provide plenty of proof of the hardship. The lender needs to see that the hardship is making it difficult to afford your loan and that you will eventually be at risk of foreclosure. It’s important that you get in touch with your lender right away to discuss your options, though. If you wait until you’ve missed two or three mortgage payments, you could end up facing foreclosure proceedings. Letting the lender know right away that trouble is brewing will allow them to give you more opportunities to save your home. While it is possible to lower your interest rate without refinancing, it’s generally reserved for homeowners in financial distress. In some very rare cases, you may find that a lender is willing to lower your interest rate, especially if you are about to refinance your loan elsewhere. Oftentimes lenders will take a slight loss of profit in order to keep your business, so it never hurts to ask. Source: https://www.blownmortgage.com/can-lower-mortgage-interest-rate-without-refinancing/